I just finished watching an episode of “Island Hunters” on HGTV; an interesting show sometimes. On this episode a man and his business partner were looking to open up a luxe island resort down in Patagonia. Here are links to the two options they didn’t choose:
Isla Verdugo, 5,400 acres, stated on the show to have a $4 million asking price but now shown as a $2.2 million asking price.
Isla San Pedro, 16,000 acres, I believe had an asking price of $12 million U.S. To give perspective, I believe they said Isla San Pedro was the closest island to Puerto Montt. Look it up on a map to get a sense of how far down south that is.
On a separate tangent, it’s amazing to watch these shows where people get on national television announcing they have a purchase budget in the millions. I can’t fathom why folks would want to broadcast their assets like that, but it’s interesting nonetheless.