RealVision TV

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    I would like to recommend a (fairly) new subscription service called Real Vision TV. It’s a global investment service, weighted toward liberty themes, Austrian economics, etc. I’ve been going through their videos of emerging markets; there’s a very interesting one talking about investment in Pakistan. The subscription isn’t cheap ($365, getting ready to rise in a few days), but I’ll take a gamble on it for a year. You can go to just google RealVisionTV and you’ll find its link.

    Roger Wilco

    I saw some of their videos however it seemed they were showing a lot of other successful people but weren’t really presenting any actionable advice?
    What can you do with the information after watching their videos?



    That’s a fair point. So far, what I’ve heard has been mainly “big picture.” However, so far, what I’ve listened to are the (free) podcasts, and a few of the emerging markets videos. They’re supposed to have an entire series on Bitcoin and Blockchain, and frankly the podcast they did on Bitcoin was one of the most informative and easiest to understand that I’ve found. So to answer your question, I’ve not come across anything yet that says something as concrete as “buy this stock up to $X,” but I’ve heard some nice big picture stuff that gives me ideas to go explore.


    Listened to a fund manager discuss frontier markets that go a step beyond emerging markets. He talked about Ghana, Cote D’Ivoire and Bangladesh, among others. Very informative.

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